AARC/CRCS Membership Information
Becoming a member of the AARC automatically qualifies you as a member of the CRCS. AARC membership not only shows your commitment to your profession and the welfare of your patients, but it also shows your commitment to yourself. As an RT, you work hard to provide quality care to your patients. As an active member of the AARC, you also strive to improve the caliber and level of recognition of Respiratory Therapists, which leads to quality care for all respiratory patients.
To view all of the AARC member benefits CLICK the START NOW! button below.
To join or renew your AARC Membership CLICK the START NOW! button below.
The AARC has released a new Membership Dashboard that allows all members to see the current membership numbers for the AARC and all individual states (click on the box next to Colorado to see our membership numbers). We currently have approximately 715 total members. Please encourage your colleagues to sign up for AARC membership which automatically gives them membership in our state society. As Respiratory Therapists, we need strength in numbers at the national and state level.
Thank you, Justin Misuraca MHA, RRT-NPS, RRT-ACCS, C-NPT, CRCS President